Case Studies

There are many ways I can add value to your communications strategy. As these case studies strive to demonstrate, I can apply my copywriting experience in a whole variety of ways. You'll find I'm happy to work with different members of your team, or different departments with contrasting responsibilities.

As well as writing copy, I have access to lots of other disciplines, able to create a virtual agency with web and SEO experts, photographers, graphic designers, artwork specialists, print buyers - the list goes on. Alternatively,  I'm just as happy working with your appointed suppliers.

1. Profile Security Services

Wherever possible, I like to build long-standing relationships with clients. I have worked with Profile for a number of years now, providing all sorts of copy, but also all sorts of services to keep their marketing communications fresh, relevant and engaging.  Judge for yourself...

Take me to the Profile Security website

 SEO website

Profile offers a growing list of security solutions in a highly competitive market. Fresh from redesigning the company's corporate image, we teamed up with experienced agency Exact Web Solutions to create a scalable, fully Search Engine Optimised website.


For presentations out on the road, or simply as a summary of what makes Profile special, a video can say it all. I wrote the script and on-screen captions for the company's chosen video production company, making sure the story dovetails with all of Profile's corporate identity.

Corporate brochure and collateral

To reflect the company's bespoke services, I submitted a series of possible slogans. We picked up the 'Tailored' theme and took the perception that all security companies are the same, head-on. This strap line was then rolled out in corporate brochures, flyers, PR, stationery and livery. One key item was this innovative presentation folder made of premium  pinstripe cloth.

Profile Security presentation folder


As part of project managing any account, I can call on the services of a network of colleagues. In this instance, we worked together to set up a day's photo shoot to capture aspects of the Profile business. In addition, we work with a number of photo libraries to source and clear photography for use in flyers, brochures and on the web.

Show me the Profile corporate brochure <pdf>

Business correspondence

Profile wanted to streamline the way it presented the company and its services to existing clients and prospect. I helped refine the message - drafting pitches, proposal documents, policy documents and other correspondence.



Sales flyers

With its nationwide network of offices, it has been important to put across a consistent message. Creating designs that can be adapted for use at short notice, flyers can written and produced quickly to meet the needs of each team. >>


Branding, logos, livery

As well as streamlining every opportunity to communicate with its audience, I briefed colleagues to create an evolution of the company's logo, implement consistent typestyles across all forms of written communications and social media, and even roll out the new look to uniforms and vehicles.

Press ads, PR press releases, newsletters

From advertisements and editorial content in the specialised press to sponsorship initiatives in the community, I have helped Profile Security to ring some alarm bells of its own. In addition, we have create Silhouette, the company's newsletter: from coming up with a name for the publication to writing engaging human interest stories that keep staff and clients informed about Profile's success stories.