Magazines and Internal comms

Keep your customers locked in

Once you have them on your side, you want to keep your customers informed and entertained. Whether you want to build loyalty or keep staff members in the loop. The copy has a different job to do. Take a look at these samples.


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iPSL news internal communications newsletter

Internal communications - iPSL

Celebrate success, share news and let colleagues know about developments in the pipeline: I can help you with your newsletter.


For this item, I rounded up news stories,  went on-site to meet managers and staff, interviewed the CEO - before writing up and editing the content, ready for press. 

Click to read a sample article (opens a pdf)

Loyalty Magazines - Orient Lines

With a enviable record of repeat passengers coming back to cruise aboard their flagship, Marco Polo, Orient Lines produced this magazine exclusively for Polo Club Members.

In contrast to brochures that sell, this sample article is newsy and informative, designed to entertain and to whet the appetite for future sailings.

Click to read a sample article (opens a pdf)

Lifestyle - Marchand Petit

This network of South Devon Estate Agencies produced this premium publication for clients and prospects.


I was invited to research and write articles exploring some of the region's many attractions, especially for those planning a move into the area.




Global Connection Magazine - Editing

Expat support - Global Connection

This organisation based in the Netherlands publishes web content, a regular magazine, books and research papers for couples and individuals relocating far from home.


Providing editorial support, I was charged with making sure that the English language version of these various publications read both naturally and idiomatically.

Click to read a sample article (opens a pdf)

Loyalty magazines - Norwegian Cruise Line

Whatever style of writing your publication calls for, I can adapt my writing to suit. When the copy needs to read like a feature article such as you might find in a Sunday colour supplement, I will willingly oblige.


As well as writing the UK and US sales brochures for NCL and its fleet of 11 super-liners, I contributed content for the company's loyalty magazine, Latitudes.

Click to read sample copy (opens a pdf)

Newsletters - Profile Security

Starting with a blank canvas, Profile wanted to create a newsletter that would reach out to staff and clients across its network of offices up and down the UK.


As well as writing the content, I put together a team of graphic designers to design and produce regular newsletters for electronic distribution and inclusion on the company's website.


Call me to bring fresh content to your communications with staff, to your existing client base and browsing prospects.