A remedy for flagging sales

A new name on the block, or a complex message to put across, bring your advertising to life with words that work.

In my time, I’ve written ads for all sorts – from promoting a lambswool duster to plugging passenger booking solutions for the airline industry.


As well as working direct with clients or with their agencies, I have formal qualifications in Consumer Advertising and International Advertising.

From writing a well-formed argument that captures the key benefits of your product or service, to an eye-catching slogan, put me to the test. I’ll generate ideas – not just for the words, but for the graphics that should support them, too.

Print Advertising

An understanding of consumer behaviour lies at the heart of all good advertising. Recognising the steps that people need to take towards the point where they purchase.


Same for trade advertising: what is the competitive environment? Does the client understand the benefits? Why are you better at this than your competitors?

Your brief might have all sorts of different objectives: creating awareness of your brand, making people well-disposed towards your company through sponsorship, or you might just be looking for a simple ad to sell off excess stock or unsold capacity.

You might need a mail drop that requires action right now (like ordering a pizza)…


A targeted direct mail campaign that teases the reader towards a new product launch date (that exclusive Spring Collection).


Perhaps a luxury folder launching next year’s programme of events (like an invitation to a business seminar).

Or a hard-working brochure that will need to drive your business for the next six months to a year (such as a holiday brochure).

Business to Business

As well as material targeted at consumers, I can write trade campaigns that will set targets for your sales force, incentive programmes that will work your employees and retail network into a froth – you name it, I can help you present a message that will make a noise up and down your supply chain.

Scripts & Voiceovers

Writing material which folks will read is one thing. Writing words people will listen to is quite another. From the germ of an idea to writing a host of alternative drafts, I can help you with a radio ad, a recording script for a voice-over, a commentary to a piece of film and even put words into the mouths of cartoon characters.


I can create the right emphasis so that the listener gets the bigger picture in moments. I will make sure no words could be misheard or misunderstood. I’ll inject humour if you want it and I’ll make sure every precious second works for you. A TV commercial, a promotional CD with film, captions and a voiceover that meld together, or an AV script for a museum – try me.

If you're after a big idea or just a no-nonsense campaign that delivers measurable results, get in touch.