Are you milking your brand?

If you need a name on the label but you're drawing a blank, or you have a household name you need to nurture, read on. 

What's in a name? Lots, actually. Reputation, trust, function, fun. Values people perceive and want to embrace.


A single word - real or invented - might be all that you are after. But which word?


In-house brainstorming sessions often turn into a bun fight. Brief me and you’ll get a list of candidate names to consider. This means you can look at them dispassionately to see how they measure up against your needs.


You set the agenda: do you need your name to explain or inspire? Is it UK-centric or does it have to work across different languages? It may have to do all of these things.


We’ll agree the brief, a timeline and you can sit back and see what bubbles up.


I’ve come up with product name suggestions for a range of celebrity chef cookware, a magazine name for a corporate client’s internal newsletter, and countless name ideas for new products.

Tag lines & Straplines

Sometimes, you need to underpin your product name with a few key words that will clarify and qualify what you’re about.


It could be a slogan on the side of a truck. A caption on a cover. A violator on a pack. A few well-chosen words that will apply across all of your branding or a targeted, integrated campaign, on the Internet or at the Point of Sale.

I’ll come up with a number of alternatives to give you choice and flexibility. Depending on your brief, we can start with an analysis of what your competitors are saying. We can explore how the short-listed themes and straplines will work with your body copy to drive your message home.


Tone of Voice

Messages are transmitted, but they also need to be received. For this to happen, people need to be on your wavelength. How you address them, the words you use and how you present yourself all matter, not just what you have to say.

I will work with you to fine-tune the language that will get your point across. Either as a bespoke exercise, or as part and parcel of any given brief.


You might be a start-up or an established player launching a new product. I can bring ideas, insight and an international perspective to the process of developing who you are in the customer’s mind.

House Style

A copywriter often needs to slip seamlessly into character. Where tried and tested brand guidelines exist, the writer needs to produce consistent material that fits the bill.


Working with large organisations - with your Marketing team, your own creative studio or your existing external agency - I can produce work that will tie in with your house style, be consistent with your communication strategy and which registers with your target audience.


Brand Licensing

My years spent working within the games and entertainment industries mean I am quick to assimilate the language used in all sorts of character licences. I'm quick to learn the lingo and make sure that each word is consistent with that universe.

Get in touch and let's talk about brands, catchphrases, character licensing and more. All in strict confidence.