Time to pull in a crowd

Great content is more than just what's on the menu. You need the freshest of ingredients so people will sit down and sit up.

For content that engages the reader, maintains their interest and prompts them to action, you need to make every word count.


It’s not just about words, though. You need substance and ideas, ultimately a proposition that is irresistible. Then you can hope to sell your product, change perceptions, influence decision makers.


Whether you want to seduce your readers or the search engine spiders and their algorithms, web content needs to click so others will click too.


Get your point across quickly. Be more selective in what you want to share. Explain where necessary. Make your story entertaining or intelligent, factual or fun – or any combination of these and more.


I can start with a clean page or get to work on draft copy you supply. I can research material to flesh out each page, or cut it down to fit. Improve its responsiveness with a keyword audit and give you access to a range of Search Engine Optimisation initiatives. The words I write can play their part.


Using print may seem ‘old hat’ these days when so many eyes are focused on the Internet. But that focus can actually help your print stand out from the competition.


If you need content for your sales catalogue, a product portfolio or a high-end brochure, I have the skills and experience you need.


I’ll help you analyse, plan and structure your message – even before I write a single word. I will then draft the copy and take it through successive approval stages (as you require). I’ll tweak and fettle the copy in response to your feedback and see the project through – from the design phase through to proofreading and signing off the finished print.

Internal Communications

As well as pitching to potential customers, I can help you engage with all sorts of other audiences – from a loyal fan base to the people you work with every day.


Need to drum up content for a staff newspaper? Need someone to interview the CEO and turn it into prose? Want someone to handle a regular newsletter, rewrite an article or edit content with a fresh pair of eyes?

This copywriter (cum editor, cum journalist) can do all that.


You could be looking for a newsworthy item for an online blog. An HTML mail shot to be distributed electronically. An informative feature for a loyalty magazine. Help with editing an industry white paper. An entertaining article, researched and edited for a lifestyle publication.


In contrast to copy that sells, I’ll make sure the content here has the right journalistic slant – from an eye-catching headline to column inches that entertain and inform.


When it comes to compiling content, I also have an unusual ace up my sleeve. I have worked on a whole host of trivia games over the years, compiling questions and answers for some of the best known brands in the business.


Depending on the size of the project and the timescales involved, I can work alone or pull together an experience team of writers and collaborators. When heading a team, I will write a detailed brief and project manage all the contributors to ensure there is spice, variety and no duplication.

Take a look at some of the content I have written and talk to me about any project ideas you have in the pipeline.