Skip over the language barrier

As a sideline to my work as a copywriter and editor, I can provide you with a reliable translation service with a special added-value component.

Choose from over 70 languages

With agency offices in Europe and the Far East, you'll have access to a network of native translators around the world.


Depending on the volume of copy you require, most projects can be turned around in two business days. Each will be translated by one translator and then verified by a second, independent pair of eyes. For small, urgent translations of a few words, they also offer an Express service that can turn copy around the same day. Please contact me for details. 

Added Value

As a fluent French speaker myself, and with a working knowledge of Dutch and German, I have some idea of the complexities that languages can throw at you. Years of heading up a team briefing out hundreds of projects to agencies and marketing teams across Europe mean I can anticipate and address many of the most common problems encountered in the translation process.

An eye on design

Wherever possible, I ask clients to provide reference material to support the words they want translating. A photo of the product or an initial layout. Knowing how the words and graphics will work in context helps the translator to pick exactly the right words to suit that context.


I will prepare the source document in English to reflect the layout of the page or pack – that way, the translation that comes back will fit with the design and make life for your artworkers easier.

Finding the right word

Unlike maths where the numbers all add up, switching from one language into another is not so black and white. A particular word in English might have a dozen valid translations in another language. Picking the right option relies on understanding the bigger picture, picking the right terminology, and then using it consistently throughout. By understanding the context of where and how the text is to be used, we don’t just translate, we localize.

Anticipating issues

If any areas need clarification, I will discuss these with the client. Any details that may not be obvious from the copy itself will be explained and described in the brief I prepare for the agency. Only then does the text go out for translation.


On its return, I will check that all the copy is there and that there are no text corruptions. I'll handle questions from the translators. I will also run through the document for style and see that it matches the original. Only then does the translation go on to the client.

Accelerating time lines

By taking a closer look at the copy before and after translation, turnaround times are quicker. The number of queries from the agency are reduced and the documents delivered are ready to go straight to your production department.


All this added value comes for a modest fee, but one which pays for itself with smooth handovers and a quality job that doesn’t read like ‘translation’.

Talk to me about your next translation project and the markets you’re looking to expand into.